
XFT-200: XFT Task Manager

Date: May 20 – 22, 2025

Important: The training course will take place on site in Walldorf. 

Duration: On-site 3 days (3 x 1 PD)

Language: German

This course is aimed at: Project staff involved in implementation and configuration of the existing solution

Recommended knowledge: SAP Basis

Goals: After taking part in this course, you will be able to set up models for XFT Task Manager, configure records, and activate basic functions. You will also understand fundamental concepts, such as synchronization, for customizing existing task manager solutions.


  • XFT Task Manager architecture
  • XFT Task Manager customization
  • Administration of existing task manager solutions

Software release: XFT Add-on Suite 6.10

Please note: The training courses are only in German.

Important Information Regarding Your Booking

XFT training courses cost 500€ (plus VAT) per person per day. For half-day trainings 250€ (plus VAT) per person per half-day.

Unfortunately, we cannot accept telephone bookings, but we would be happy to answer any questions you may have: +49 6227 54 555 0

After registration, you will receive confirmation of your booking via email within two weeks. If you then still haven’t received confirmation, please contact us at:

You can cancel your booking by post, fax, or e-mail. If we receive your cancellation less than 14 calendar days prior to the start of the course, we will charge you 50 percent of the course fee. If we receive your cancellation less than three working days before the start of the course, you will be charged the full fee.

We reserve the right to cancel training courses for organizational reasons. In this case, you will not be charged a fee for the training. You will not be refunded for any costs exceeding the course fee.

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