XFT Billing Manager 4S4

How bills pay off

Efficient Billing

Every company lives from its bills being paid. But there is a lot of work to be done for this! All necessary documents should be attached, the information from the sprecialist department needs to be collected, approvals should be obtained and, last but not least, the invoice must be sent via the correct channel in the appropriate format. Mistakes in an invoice can cost you money or even upset your customers. That’s where support comes in handy.

XFT Billing Manager 4S4 is the central starting point for outgoing invoices in your SAP system. A central cockpit provides an overview of all processes. Transfer data and documents manually or automatically from the inbound channels. Afterwards XFT Billing Manager 4S4 supports you in validating the data and creating the required SD and FI documents. For each transaction you can decide individually whether you want to create sales documents or barely post it as accounting document. For important events, for example before posting, you can start standardized mobile approval workflows. In addition, mobile ad-hoc workflows can be started at any time. Once the invoice is complete, it is automatically sent to the customer in the correct format, e.g. as XFactura. And of course, everything about the process is logged.

How it works

The starting point in XFT Billing Manager 4S4 is the monitor, where you can easily identify the invoice and credit note transactions that need to be processed based on the most important data. One click takes you into the data change mask, in which the existing header and item data, attached documents, approvals and SAP documents are clearly presented at one place. Depending on your requirements, processing may take place directly there or by jumping to the appropriate SAP transaction.

After the data check an SAP document (sales document or accounting document) can be created automatically in background. Alternatively, all data can be transferred to the relevant SAP transaction for further processing. Mobile approval workflows may be started before posting of an SAP document, e.g. based on an existing one like pro forma invoice. Of course, approvals can also be set up for cancellations.


Transparency of all outgoing invoices: Regardless of the transmission format and their origin coming from a sales order or as a pure accounting document.

Efficient billing: All data and assets are centrally available, approvals are delivered directly, slow processes can easily be identified.

Compliance: All relevant changes and approvals are logged.

Less manual effort: Automatic data transfer from inbound channels into SAP transactions.

Want to find out more? Our factsheet gives you a brief overview of all functions and useful information.

Fully integrated into the SAP system

Manage your outgoing invoices simply and centrally with XFT Billing Manager 4S4 using your customer, material, sales and accounting data. The software’s service-oriented archietecture makes it possible to integrate SAP systems in different versions and with individual custom developments.

These companies use XFT products

An overview of all XFT references can be found here.

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