XFT Sales Manager 4S4

Selling Power

Digitize Sales and Increase Revenue

How effective is your sales department? Within many companies, it is not as effective as it could be. Important sales information is often left unrecorded, lost inside the heads of individuals. This makes teamwork difficult, if not impossible.

XFT Sales Manager 4S4 gives you full control of all SAP sales processes. Every activity – from customer meetings and the creation of quotation and order documents, to delivery and invoicing – is recorded within the product solution and can be reviewed at any time. Your sales experts can view information about every customer’s wants and needs – turning one-time buyers into long-term customers.

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XFT Sales Manager 4S4 streamlines and automates your sales processes within the SAP environment. The add-on is directly linked to your SAP SD Module, bringing all relevant sales transaction files and customer files together. From order history to correspondence, your employees have all information they need at their fingertips with mobile compatibility in SAPUI5 via smartphone or tablet. This makes it much quicker to answer individual customers’ requests and other inquiries.

Within a central cockpit, all SAP SD documents, inquiries, quotations, and orders are recorded digitally. XFT also offers the option of creating attractive quotation documents with XFT Document Composer 4S4 and storing them in the XFT application.  Using drag and drop, you can simply add new documents from your e-mail program or Windows file system, for example. You can search for the information you need quickly and initiate approval processes in SAPUI5 directly using the same software. If desired, the process can be fully automated.


Full sales transparency: Gain an overview of all open processes and sent quotations. What’s more, appointments can be recorded for each sales transaction.

Shorter processing times for quotations: Thanks to automatic and mobile approval workflows in SAPUI5, you can obtain faster clearance. The underlying rules can be freely defined.

Worldwide access: Wherever your sales teams are in the world, they can view and edit all sales transactions at any time.

Simple search: With the central filter and search function, you can locate any sales-related document in no time at all.

Want to find out more? Our fact sheet gives you a brief overview of all functions and useful information.

Fully Integrated into Your SAP System

Control your sales processes centrally with XFT Sales Manager 4S4. With just one click, you can navigate directly from the sales file to an SAP transaction, allowing you to view inquiries, quotations, and more.

Companies That Use XFT Products

A wide variety of industries, all with similar challenges – these companies simplify their daily work with XFT products from the Sales & Service category.

See the full list of XFT references here.

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